Sophia took her first steps tonight!!! She was hanging out with Daddy & he turned her around to face me. She was standing pretty well on her own, so I started coaxing her to come to me. Before we knew it, she was taking a step... then two steps... then THREE before jumping into my arms! She was SO proud of herself as we began to cheer for her. It was such a proud, proud moment for us. We are so excited that we had the blessing of watching our baby girl take her first steps.
Steady, steady... GO!!
So, so excited!!
If this isn't a happy face, then I don't know what is!!
She was so proud of herself... which made the whole situation even more precious.
How awesome to be able to share this moment together! After crawling at school for the first time (and taking well over a week to share the new skill with us), we were thrilled to be here with her for this! With only TEN days until her 1st Birthday, I'll admit... I cried as I rocked her to sleep tonight.