19 April 2010

Bucket List: To Master a Craft

I have always wanted to be artsy. My mom is the most talented person I know in so many ways, and it has been hard to follow in her footsteps. I have always wanted to have the ability to brainstorm an idea- and follow through with it successfully. Most often, my brain knows what it wants to do, but my hands are unable to complete the task at hand.

Two year ago I decided that I would attempt wreath making. I wanted a sunflower wreath, and the stores just did not have any that I was happy with- and they were all very pricey. I wanted a beautiful wreath at a reasonable price. So, I ventured out to Hobby Lobby and made my purchases. Since then, it's become an addiction. I have made over twenty wreaths to date, but the ones displayed on my blog today are the ones that I currently have in my possession. Although, some will be sold in my next garage sale.


My first wreath! I love the sunflowers. I may attempt a newer one this summer. We'll see : )

My 4th of July wreath! This one, too, may be put in the yard sale. I love it, but I may attempt a new one!

This is my late summer wreath. August and September are awkward months for wreaths. This one is just simple and fun.

My fall wreath. I looooooove this one! The shape- the flowers- the arrangement. It is by far my favorite out of all of the ones I've made!

My living room wreath! My door is boring, white, and windowless. So, I made this wreath to hang on the backside to create a better atmosphere.

Last year's spring wreath. I made a new one this year, so obviously, this one will be put up for grabs at the yard sale.

My new spring wreath- as featured before. Sorry, the colors don't pop against the background like the others, but I don't have a very nice spot for picture taking!

Anyways- that's just a small glimpse into the many wreaths I've made over time. I would loooove to start selling them, but I am not sure there would be enough demand for them, and I am sure I would only be able to deliver them locally. I'm afraid they would get damaged in transit.

Regardless, it's a passion- stress reliever- and now I want to go and buy more supplies to make a new one! I WILL refrain... this time!!


  1. They are all so beautiful. But that fall one is oh so gorgeous.

  2. Thank you, Jen! It's my favorite as well!!

  3. I love them! You should try finding a Farmer's Market to sell them at! I saw neat things like this at the one I went to last weekend!

  4. Every fall there is a craft fair at the Show Me Center/Osage Center hosted by the arts council! You should get some together and sell them! My Aunt and I go every year. I KNOW they would be a hit...hey, if you made one with berries I may even buy one!
