05 May 2010

Operation 5510

Effective Immediately

Mission: Eliminate Ants

Location: Kitchen

Means: Use whatever force necessary

This morning I woke surprisingly well rested. I was in bed and asleep by 10:00, and I have no obligations for the first time in a long time, so I slept until 8:00 this morning.

I lounged in bed for a little while, and after 20 minutes or so, I decided to get up, get a bowl of cereal, and come back to bed and work on homework. I walked into the kitchen, looked at my clean countertops (I cleaned the kitchen and bedroom last night- thoroughly), and much to my dismay, they were black! Not solid black, but little black speckles covered my counters, stove, and sink. I was horrified!

I immediately grabbed my kitchen safe ant killer and went to work. This is the aftermath of Battle One.

I thought I had won.

I cleaned up this nasty mess, disinfected my countertops, and once again tried to get a bowl of cereal. When I opened the cabinets; however, I found that they ants were in there too!! Never before have they moved to the cabinets where I store dishes- until this spring that is.

So, I unloaded EVERYTHING from my cabinets, sprayed them down, and then washed a bowl for cereal. By this time, my stomach was letting me know that it required food. I opened the bag of cereal, poured a bowl... milk and all... and guess what came floating to the top? You got it- and ant. Those little jerks had found their way into a ZIPLOCKED plastic bag. I was not happy.

So, I dumped the bowl. Rinsed the sugary goodness from the sink, bowl, and spoon... and gave up on breakfast. I threw the rest of the cereal out and took the trash out.

I then loaded all of my CLEAN dishes into the dishwasher so I could put them back in the cabinets after I wash them out later today. After this task was complete (halfway, at least- my table is still full of dishes needing to be washed), I went outside to get my heavy duty ant killer. I was spraying along the baseboards of the kitchen when I felt something crawl across my hand. Something big. I knew it wasn't an ant. I flicked it off of my hand, looked down, screamed, sprayed... killed.

Yes. This spider, who is fighting for his life, came off of the ant killer. It was so tough that the ant killer was not effective. I had to personally kill... with a ton of paper towels... this monster of a spider.

I have had my share of insects (I don't care about proper terminology) for the month. And, it's only the 5th of May.

So, after class today, I will make the trek to Wal-Mart to invest in some handy dandy ant traps. The war has been waged. I will be victorious.

*** UPDATE ***

Thanks to a couple of sources, I have found my answer: http://www.terro.com/index.php


  1. LOL You have a knack for getting into some funny scenarios. Fun story! Glad you found a way to eliminate them.

  2. Jen,

    You are absolutely right. I have no idea how I get into some of these predicaments, but I do!!!

    I can say this- life is NEVER dull around my house. It's probably a good thing I've lived on my own for the past three years because I sure do find myself in some crazy situations!!

  3. LOL This reminds me of me and my roommate! Since the guys have been gone we have had to kill so many spiders and bugs! Once there was a particularly huge one and I was spraying it with hairspray to try and disable it(it didn't work lol) and then Sarah had to grab it with a paper towel. I hate bugs/spiders!

  4. Heather-

    I have to deal with ants every year, but this morning was particularly bad. I think the ants have been plotting against me the past three years and have built up an army. Little do they know- I will win!!!!
