24 July 2010

Abundantly Blessed

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, then you probably have realized by now that Andrew and I love fresh summer produce. We have enjoyed lots of garden goodness this summer, but we have only had to purchase some of it ourselves.

We have been incredibly blessed this summer to have people surrounding us who feel so kind as to share their tasty fruits and veggies.

Each of these pictures were taken upon receiving produce from someone. We have gotten summer goodies from grandparents, parents, friends, coworkers, clients, and I'm sure more sources. We appreciate everything so much, and believe me, we definitely count it as a blessing!

We have enjoyed most of it, and we have frozen the rest so we can enjoy it in the months to come!

Now, what would a blog be if I didn't write about something I'm currently cooking? With all of the tomatoes we've been given, I've been in tomato heaven. I was reading a facebook status the other day about a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich. I had to try it!

First, I get everything ready. This means, I slice a tomato, top it with salt and pepper, and eat the rest. : )

After slicing the tomato, I get a large bun and lightly butter both sides (with olive oil butter!).

After the bun is buttered on both sides, I place the bottom on my panini maker. I then layer American cheese, a thin layer of parmesan cheese, tomato slice, and then top it off with the other half of the bun. I let the bottom toast, and I use my panini press to make it more compact. This helps with the eating portion of it later.

I grill (low to medium heat) both sides until the cheese is nice and gooey.

The finished product is then placed on a plate to serve and enjoy!

This is a fast and easy summer lunch. It takes me maybe 10 minutes from start to finish- and a lot of that time is spent by eating the portion of the tomato that was not used on the sandwich. It's quick, tasty, and not too unhealthy. And, it's the perfect way to utilize the sweet gifts we've been receiving!

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