11 October 2010

Sorry Mom, She's Mine.

I have, hands-down, the best sisters in the world! Miranda and Zoe are such blessings to my life, and I love when I get to spend time with them... it just doesn't happen often enough. This weekend, I got Miranda alllllll weekend. I'm talking from Thursday to Monday morning. It was awesome! Even though things were WAY low-key, and probably very boring for a 15 year-old, I looooved having her here!

Theodore really, really, really enjoyed having his Aunt Miranda here. He thinks she's pretty cool- and he doesn't get kicked out of his room when she comes. It's like a two-for-one deal.

Despite her injured hand, we went on a nice bike ride. She was regretting it (sort of) later when her hand was throbbing, but we had a lot of fun! She liked the local bike trail a lot!

She, as seen in yesterday's blog, took Theodore on a walk. I must admit, she's a pretty awesome aunt! She's very good to our little kitty!

I think I will capture my sister this weekend when I'm in my hometown for a friend's wedding... and I most likely won't give her back.

Once again...

Sorry, Mom.

She's mine.


  1. The bike ride with the injured hand worried me (it's looking a weird gray color now), but I'm glad you guys got to spend some time together! Thanks for pampering her, but don't get too excited about capturing her this weekend. You'll have to hunt us down on our camping trip. :S

  2. It was turning a strange color before she left. I didn't pamper : ) Or spoil. Or...

    We'll see about this. It's on!

  3. Mom.! Abby.! This is the weekend of my sixteenth birthday party, and as much as family overrides friends, I want her for Friday night. You only turn sixteen once and it wouldn't be the same if Miranda wasn't there. :(

    -- Caity

  4. Miranda's wearing different colored socks! Lexi does that, I get on to her for it, but she says "mom that's what's cool! Don't ruin it for me" I cannot believe it, I remember saying those words!


  5. I love spending time with my sister too! It looks like you had so much fun :)
