15 November 2010

A Tale of a Hunter's Wife

The Beginning:

Husband goes hunting.

Wife goes Christmas shopping.

Day ends with shopping completed, but no deer.

Wife encourages husband to go out again the next day.

He gladly agrees.

Day Two:

Husband kills doe.

As does brother.

The Result:

A cooler full of fresh deer meat!!

The End!

Well, not really:

Boy, oh boy, did we have a lot of work ahead of us! Andrew got to work setting the meat grinder up.

Theodore and I watched the kitchen transform into a packaging plant.

We then got to work. I had to take a picture of Andrew showing off his kill.

Theodore then had to show off to Andrew. He proceeded to "hunt" his chipmunk until it was time to enjoy some deer meat. It was adorable.

I got to work cutting up chunks of meat to go into the grinder.

Just a FEW of our delicious roasts. Yum! Those will taste so good this winter. I can't wait!

Grinding up meat : ) I can't wait to make Andrew's favorite sloppy joes with this meat!

This machine and I battled it out. I finally won. I do like that handy sealer.

Just a fraction of the meat we packaged.

We, of course, had to fry up some meat. Andrew sure knows how to make some tasty fried deer! Hunter AND cook... I'll take it!!

Finally, our deepfreeze. I LOVE how it is stocked full of fresh meat. I am so thankful for a husband and brother who provided so much meat for us this year. We will get good use out of this meat, and I won't take a single bite for granted.


  1. Yum! I'm glad that crazy grinder didn't take my fingers off like last year.

  2. Awesome. I hope Izaak can get one. I've really enjoyed the venison this year. Congrats!
