14 February 2011

What happened to the "good old days"?!

While Andrew was home, we decided to give our nappy cat a bath. His fur was pretty gross, and he was long overdue.

The last time we gave him a bath, he was fairly well-behaved with the exception of his amazing strength and agility. We were prepared for a similar bathing experience.

Theodore; however, was plotting something different.

Let the story begin...

He first decided that hiding would be in his best interest. This began when he heard the bath water running. Notice the death stare?

I wish that I had pictures to document the bath. That just was not possible. At one point, I had both hind legs, Andrew had him by his front paws and back, and he was still sprawled out in the air like a flying monkey. This cat is amazing. He can bend and manuever in ways I never dreamed possible.

Moreover, he is STRONG! It literally wore the two of us out trying to give him a bath. That's understandable for me, the weakling, but certainly not for Andrew. He's also VERY loud. I didn't think this cat could sound so manly.

To safely remove him from the tub, I had to hold his hind legs in a death grip while Andrew kept the rest of him under control. I then wrapped him tightly in a towel to keep him from scratching Andrew with his back claws while trying to escape.

It's been decided that the vet will be bathing him from now on. With lots and lots of help. Or sedation.

It's obvious that he's still not happy. He is being a little bit better now considering Andrew's holding him and calming him down.

After his escape, he sulked and glared for about an hour.

And licked.

Don't tell me this cat isn't mad. He sure is cute though!

He's finally willing to forgive. Luckily he forgives as quickly as he angers. He didn't get to stay on my lap long though. I wasn't a fan of a wet lap.

At last, all is well in the world.

Gato is no longer nappy.

We live to tell the tale.

All is forgiven... and hopefully forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. lol My cats hate baths too. They love playing under a drippy facut or in their water bowl, but they do not like being immersed in water.
