We finally have internet! We are using my phone to tether the internet... yay! That means I get to blog, post pictures to facebook, and continue with all of that wonderful goodness again. I have been missing this lately.
Let me update...
We stayed in a complete stranger's home for a week. Yes, that's right... complete stranger. It was... interesting. These HUGE windows lined the walls by the bed. There were no blinds or curtains. I do not miss this living situation.
We moved into OUR very own home!! The sellers tried to back out, but that was nipped in the bud by both attorneys. They went to the bar afterwards. We are also glad to be done with that whole process.
Being a home owner certainly has its perks, but we have also had to deal with no water, replacing items, and so on and so forth. We love it though. It is SO nice to have a place to call our own.
We have painted. Slowly. I think we average A wall every 2-3 days. Oh well, I'm not supposed to be around it much anyway. Yes, I take frequent breaks, and Andrew only has me do the trimming.
Andrew got to mow OUR lawn. He was very, very happy about this. It's been a dream of his for a while now. He's a little addicted.
We have two fruit producing pear trees. They sure are tasty! We're going to puree these into baby food for our Sophia. That's right, we plan to make our own. We're pretty excited about this!
We replaced a HIDEOUS blue toilet (which you will see in another post) with this nice, new toilet. The flooring is the next on my list... along with the blue walls... and the blue bathtub. These people loved blue. That nasty, '80s blue. YUCK!!!
We have been trying to eat healthy again. After eating out for weeks on end due to our living situation, we've been craving these fresh food. This was the first meal we cooked in our new home! It was incredible.
We have friends!! Two at least. Most people call them woodchucks, I call them friends. We like to eat pears together. They are so funny to watch!
Gato makes himself comfortable wherever he can find a spot. That's a challenge these days. We are moving in... very... slowly. Oh well, we have time.
We get to enjoy a GORGEOUS sunrise from our front porch every morning. This one was taken this morning. Isn't it stunning? I hope we never take this for granted.
Sophia Claire continues to grow, and grow, and grow. She is so precious, and she definitely adds so much to our lives already. She is absolutely amazing, and I love experiencing every new thing she does each day. Pregnancy is such a wonderful experience, and I am so blessed to have had Sophia for 20 weeks now.
I finally made it to a Hobby Lobby. After an absence of three months, it was a much needed trip. Sophia is going to have an awesome room! The plans? A bow board (confession- I've purchased 8 bows... somehow I don't feel as if mine are good enough), two yarn wreaths with fabric flowers, an embellished framed "S", and other fun arrangements.
Take a sneak peek...
I couldn't get a good picture of these, but I used black glass votives with a bit of bling, pink tulle, and those awesome silver trees with crystal flowers, pearls, and these snowball looking things (they're the ones lit up in the picture). I will post a better picture when the room is complete. I must admit, she is going to have a fabulous room... and she deserves nothing less.
Whew!! That's "us" in a nutshell. I will post more about the house and such at a later date! Until then... I hope this finds you well!