17 September 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New

We have been looking at bigger vehicles for a while now. We knew that we would need something more practical for having an infant (you know, something with more than two doors), and we wanted a vehicle with four-wheel drive for the snowy winters we get up here. I had narrowed my vehicle choice to a Ford Escape. I really liked the sleek lines, smaller body style, and convenient height of this vehicle. Adorable meets practical... it was just what I was hoping to find. After the decision had been made, we started looking around. We couldn't really commit to anything though. Then, on Thursday evening, we were in a nearby town, and we saw a fun berry red Escape and decided to check it out.

We learned that it is a 2011, top of the line model, with only 5,000 miles on it. Since it was used for a rental vehicle, the price was comparable to older models with higher mileage. Red was in my top three color choices, so we decided that we had found "the one". The black and cream two-tone interior just made this SUV that much more appealing to the eye. So, we test drove it yesterday, traded-in my beloved Civic, and we couldn't be happier with our purchase!

I, of course, had to take lots of pictures!

The Civic sure was a good car. I was actually sad to see it go, but I knew that it would not be easy putting a carseat in and out of the backseat. I did so with many kids that I babysat, but that wasn't a daily ordeal. I also knew that there would be a much safer option for Sophia and me than this fun car. To put it short and sweet... I needed a "mom car" more than I needed this one.

Right after we became the proud owners of this little cutie. It was a tad bit chilly when this picture was taken. The red in this picture is closer to the red that it actually is... just add a bit more sparkle. :-)

Not a bad upgrade if I do say so myself!! I also must say, it is much easier to get in and out of this Escape. It was becoming a challenge to get in and out of the Civic. Pictures make it look a little bit brighter than what it is. In person, it's a rich berry red. It looks sharp!

I told Andrew that this is a good transitional vehicle into the bigger one that I'll need when more than two kids come along. I am pretty excited about driving this cutie patootie around.

The back end is my favorite... just as it was with the Civic. I think we will really enjoy the extra room, added storage space, and enhanced safety that this vehicle offers. Plus... I'm excited to finally own a Ford!! Coming from a family who favors the GMC/Chevy line, the rebel part of my heart is bursting with excitement. Yes, I know, I'm a dork.

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