25 January 2012

Welcome to the World, Sophia Claire!

Sophia Claire was welcomed into our lives on January 17, 2012 at 5:06 in the evening. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long.

She is a bundle of absolute perfection!

My labor experience was absolutely wonderful, and there is not one thing that I would change about it. On Monday, January 16th, after being seen by my doctor, she scheduled and induction because I was already dilated to a 5. That night, I was kept awake by strong contractions. We got up at 5:00 on the morning of the 17th to go to the hospital. Once we were there, they gave me a dosage of antibiotics, and then at 10:30, they broke my water and started the pitocin.

Shortly after 1:00, I was dilated to a 7, and I asked for an epidural. I had planned not to use and epidural, but I started to panic and did not feel like myself. Normally, I am very calm and "go with the flow", and I did not like feeling out of control. The epidural was an excellent decision.

I labored for a few more hours, and the doctor came in to check me. We were expecting me to be at a 9 or so, and we were very surprised when she said it was time to push! I pushed for about 45 minutes to an hour before we were able to meet our precious daughter!

It went so smoothly- and was such an amazing experience! I did NOT want to be induced, and my doctor said that I would have had her on the 17th anyway based on my contractions the night before. My body just needed the extra push of the pitocin. The doctor said that it's very rare for such a low dosage to get labor going.

I cannot even begin to describe the emotions I felt when they handed her to me for the first time. Andrew and I cried together, laughed together, and shared the most amazing moment together. Meeting our daughter for the first time was incredible. The love we have for each other and her is indescribable. We are so blessed by our sweet little family. I get so much joy out of watching the two of them together. Being a wife and mother to my two favorite people makes my heart swell with pride.

God has blessed us beyond measure... and we cannot begin to thank Him enough!


  1. Welcome Sopia girl she is just absloutly precious. Congradulations. She shares a birthday with my nana, she is exactly 90 years younger than her. May god bless you and your family i just know your gonna be an amazing mom. Rachelle Gullet-Parham.

  2. This almost made me cry happy tears! I'm so happy for your family and I hope one day I can meet little miss Sophia! Now to get to the post office with my box of goodies for her! Love you!
