14 May 2012

Hello, solids!

Well, the day has arrived. We introduced solids this evening. She has been hinting for several weeks that she is ready for solids. I ignored her pleas. Finally, this weekend, she not-so-subtly let us know that she is READY! So... I sucked up my pride & decided that I wasn't going to make her wait until closer to 6 months. She definitely knows what she wants. She is pretty much a champ when it comes to eating solids!

While she napped, I got everything ready. Ironically, this adorable bib arrived in the mail today from a dear high school friend. It says, "I'm a hoot"... how appropriate.

This is the most grown-up she's looked thus far. Bittersweet!

First bite!! She loved it! We did not get the horrible reaction we were expecting. She acted like she was born to eat from a spoon... maybe that's why she hasn't fed well until now.

She's still liking the idea of this. I think her eyes are as big as the owl's.

Ok... now we get a sour face! For as much as she likes eating from the spoon, it was NOT going fast enough for her.

So, after taking a bottle, we tried again.

She devoured the entire bowl in minutes. She did SO well! This speech pathologist mommy sure is proud!

Full belly = happy baby.

Wow. How did she get this big?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy! We started solids about a month ago and it's so fun!
