02 August 2010

Oh, Gato!

Theodore cracks me up. I literally have story after story to tell about him each day. In fact, as I'm writing this, he's laying on his back on the couch by me... stretched out as far as he can stretch... just so his paws can touch my hands as I'm typing.

He is an absolute riot.

When Andrew and I were away this weekend, we often found ourselves talking about him and the crazy things he does. Life radiates from him, and his dynamic personality shows in all that he does. He never ceases to make me laugh.

He is very lazy. Especially during the hours of 2-6. If he's out of his bachelor pad, you can normally find him curled up... or sprawled out... on the couch.

We call him the Prince of Purrrsia because of his dainty paw placement when he lays.

He hates his picture being taken.

He's getting a bit annoyed with the photo shoot.


"Ok, that's really enough."

"I'm going to ignore you now."

I love this action shot!

He cracks me up when he lays halfway off of the back of the couch. Too funny.

He also cracks me up when he tucks all of his paws underneath him. He looks like a seal.

Napping, once again.

He loves to cuddle... sometimes.

Such a pretty face.

Oh, the life of a cat.

He hears something...

... and he's off to investigate.

His favorite things to "hunt" are: bugs, birds, squirrels.

Naptime AGAIN.


This was a new way to lay. So funny.


He's trying watermelon for the first time.

His favorite foods: blueberry muffins, blueberry ice cream, blueberry anything, pancakes, chicken, taco meat... anything but refried beans it seems.

Yes, I realize that this was unkind.

But, who could resist something so funny?

Curious kitty.

So handsome!

Once again, napping. Must be nice.

This is how we order wedding pictures.

This is how we check facebook.

Theodore will turn 2 this month. He's quite the handsome kitty, and he brings so much life to our home. Who would have ever thought we'd enjoy a critter as much as we enjoy him?!


  1. Ha! Love all the kitty pictures. Now understand why I have so many...they are such funny creatures and you should see them interact with one another. Sounds like a herd of cattle moving through the house at times.

  2. He is so cute! Cats are hilarious and my next pet is definitely being a cat :)

  3. Jen- Yes, they are SO much fun to have around! Theodore keeps me soooo entertained that I can't imagine how lively your house must be!!

    Heather- Thank you! I'm quite fond of the little guy! I definitely lean more towards cats than I do dogs.
