26 August 2010

"You're so skinny, I can touch my elbows!"

With all of the activities planned last weekend, it kept my mind off of moving Andrew back to school. The last item of "fun" on my list was a nice visit with my niece and nephew!

Lexi, my oldest niece, has a battery that keeps going... and going... and going! This 7 year-old is a second grader this year, and she is reading at a fifth grade reading level (and probably higher now). She's a pistol, but I love her spunky attitude. She's been my baby since the day she was born, and I know the bond I have with her will last a lifetime- despite the distance between us!

Brendyn, my middle nephew, is an absolute sweetheart. He and I didn't bond instantly, but after months of coaxing and winning him over, he and I are inseparable when we're together. At first, I would have to sit in the living room while he was in the adjoining kitchen and slowly move into the kitchen over a 30 minute period. On my birthday last year; however, he greeted me with the most amazing birthday present- he ran right up to me and jumped into my arms! No kidding! Perfect present!

Lexi had fun with Leonardo...

Brendyn and Uncle Andrew serenaded me with a beautiful piano piece...

Brendyn had a blast playing hockey with the guys...

Lexi somehow got the guys to dress up... in sparkly capes... and red velvety cow print capes...

True love there!

I got this little one to sit still long enough to capture a picture... without her two front teeth! It's hard to believe that she's growing up so quickly! I'm so proud of her, but I know as she begins to settle into the preteen years, I'm going to miss my little niece and her dynamite personality!

This little guy is easy to snuggle... and hard to put down. Luckily, he doesn't mind snuggling, and I was able to love on him quite a bit before he decided to ditch me to play with the boys. He's going to be a heartbreaker!

We couldn't end the visit without snapping our trademark picture. For as long as I can remember, this has been the image captured when you put the two of us together. I love the gap in her 7 year-old mouth!

And... finally...

About the title... Lexi told me this as she was hugging me. It made me proud of my efforts to ensure that I eat healthy. I've really been trying hard to limit the amount of junk I put into my body, and I try even harder to cook as healthy as I can within the means we have to do so. My efforts are paying off, and they were recognized by my silly niece.

And, for the record, it's not about being skinny... it's about being as healthy as I can.