13 May 2012

Mother's Day

Now that I'm a mom myself, I have learned a thing or two about Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is not about the card, gifts, flowers, or restaurants. Mother's Day is not about the recognition, sentiment, or production. Mother's Day is not about commercialism.

Mother's Day is about...

... her.

Seeing her eyes light up when she hears my voice... watching her smile back at me... hearing her super-villian laugh when I do something that she thinks is funny... snuggling her close when she's sad... rocking her softly to sleep each night... putting forth my best effort every single day (even when I'm "too tired")... seeking God's will for her life.

She deserves to have a mom who puts her family first... and strives to be a good wife... and works hard to be a great mom... and seeks God's will for her own life. She deserves a mom who gives everything she has to the job unconditionally. She deserves a mom who will pray for her, with her, and with her dad. She deserves a mom who will love without holding back. She deserves a mom who will teach her to find the joy in the little things... a mom who will model life lessons for her. She deserves a mom who reflects Christ.

She deserves the world.

Today, we dedicated Sophia to the Lord. We made a promise to seek God's perfect will for her life- no matter what that may be. Publicly, we promised to provide for her, teach her, and set an example for her to follow.

Today, we promised to give parenting everything we have.

To me, there is no more perfect way to celebrate Mother's Day. You see, today is about her and what I can do as a Mom to provide her with everything she deserves.

Today, I thank God for the sweet blessing of motherhood. I pray that I use every tool He has given me to be the best mom I can be.

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