14 February 2012

Four Week Stats

Sophia Claire is four weeks old today! Wow- where has time gone?!

She is now 8 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long. Yay for gaining 1 pound 1 ounce & growing an inch!

She is wearing 0-3 month clothing- which means I really should pack away her newborn sizes.

She graduated to size one diapers yesterday.

She has YET to lose her umbilical cord... which makes those size one diapers tricky. Ugh.

She is alert more often during the day.

She is starting to sleep a little longer at night (knock on wood).

She is beginning to smile at me when I walk in the room or talk to her. Precious!

She loves weekend cuddle time with Daddy... she doesn't get enough of that during the week.

She is able to hold her head up in the Bjorn carrier- this happened in a week's time.

She is a funny, funny baby who makes many faces & keeps us laughing.

Oh & her cheeks are as chubby as ever. We love them!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. Helps me keep up with her growth. Can't wait to get those baby snuggles from her in March. <3 Love you all three!
