16 February 2012

Morning Snuggles with Mommy

When Andrew leaves for work, if Sophia is awake, we will get the boppy & I'll move over into Andrew's spot so the boppy can go where I sleep. Confusing? Anyway- after I am done feeding her, I will put her in her boppy, and she normally falls asleep on her own. Once she's asleep, I normally drift off for about another hour or two before waking up for the day. We spend quite a bit of our days here- and Andrew thinks we're an adorable pair. I will read, blog, and snuggle the little one. I normally get up for the day around 11 (tough life, huh?!) because she normally sleeps the afternoons away. During this time, I will get ready for the day, do laundry, clean, that kind of thing.

I absolutely LOVE this time with Sophia. We do not let her sleep in bed with us, but it is really special to have this time with her each morning. I try to soak it up as much as I can. I think that I will miss this the most once I return to work. We've become pretty good buddies over the last four weeks. I am a very blessed momma! I pray that we are always close, and I hope she never gets too old for morning snuggles with me.


  1. I was just thinking, you are probably not looking forward to going back to work! Enjoy the baby!

  2. That was my favorite time when I had Rori. Cherish every single moment,because before you know it, she will be "too old" to snuggle with Mommy.
