21 February 2012

Like a Champ

Sophia has acquired her first illness- and is handling it like a champ. Unfortunately, her well-baby visit last week resulted in a RSV diagnosis this week. Our doctor's office has a separate waiting room for healthy infants under 9 months of age, but we still have to walk through the main waiting room to get to it. It's an imperfect system, and sadly the stupid germs decided to set up camp inside our little girl.

For the most part, she is still being super sweet. She still is smiley and good natured for much of the day. Isn't she a cutie-pie?

But, she does get upset a lot easier. When she decides she needs something- she needs it NOW.

And, if she doesn't get it right away, she gets upset a lot more quickly. She very rarely cries a real cry when she's well. Since she's been sick, we've heard REAL cries a lot more often. It is absolutely pitiful. She also takes a lot longer to calm down (like 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds). Even then, she's still such a good baby.

Her cough and labored breathing are absolutely heartbreaking. I am so thankful that she is not running a temperature and that she is acting like her sweet little self for the most part. The doctor told us what to watch for, but right now her symptoms are mild enough that no treatment is warranted. I pray that it stays that way!

Please join us in praying for our little girl to recover quickly. She's far too little to have a cough this big.

The good news? She's now 8 pounds 14 ounces... up from 8 pounds 8 ounces last week. So, she's gaining weight well and staying hydrated. Please also pray that she maintains her appetite.

Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Granny Miff and Great Grandpa JackFebruary 21, 2012 at 10:10 AM

    Great Granny Miff is praying hard for Sophia to recover fast from this RSV. We love you Sophia! <3
