25 August 2010

Double the Fun

This past weekend I FINALLY got to meet two precious little girls that I've been wanting to meet for the last seven months. One of my good friends from high school, Heather, and her husband, Thomas, had twins girls last January.

Meet Miss Morgan : )

Meet Miss Emily : )

Morgan, Me, and Emily.

I never imagined that I would hold this much cuteness in BOTH arms at the same time!

It was soooo nice to visit with Heather... we talked about husbands, life, and babies. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her (those 3 hours flew!), but I treasure the visit that we had together!

The twins are precious, and I loved being able to catch up with a good friend. I can't wait until our next visit, and I will be super sad when this adorable little family heads back to California!


  1. And you guys matched that was so adorable so happy for you girl that you got to catch up with an old friend

  2. Aww her girls are so cute!! Glad you two had a nice visit :)
