22 February 2010


We said our final goodbyes today. It's always a hard day, and I often have the worst time after we leave the gravesite. This was the case again today. But, that is not what I am blogging about tonight.

I am amazed at the lack of respect society seems to have these days. I was raised by parents who pulled over and stopped when a funeral processional was driving through. It is a sign of respect, and sadly, it is something that people aren't doing anymore.

I understand that our processional was going through St. Louis and on the busiest roads- but is it necessary to cut in front of mourning family and friends? Is it necessary to "join" the processional AND put your flashers on just to get you down the road a little quicker? Is it necessary to look at the mourning family and friends with disdain AFTER cutting through the processional and whipping into the other lane before speeding by them?

The answer to all of this is NO!

When did this world become so fast paced that others cannot take a couple minutes out of their day to show respect to a family who is hurting? I know they would want others to show them respect if they were burying their loved one.

Ahh! The audacity of some people.

So, I will leave you with this thought- PLEASE show respect to a family who is hurting. Please at least slow down if you see a funeral procession going down the road. And above all, PLEASE do not cut in line, whip in front of them, or stare at them like they are ruining your day. I guarantee they are going through enough.

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