15 February 2010

my to-do list...

... is a mile long.

My to-do list literally fills up two notecards; yet, am I working on completing those items right now? No. What am I doing, you ask? Well, I am obviously blogging, but that is only because it's a commercial break. From what, you ask?

The Olympics. Figure skating to be precise. I absolutely adore figure skating. I find it to be truly amazing, and if I could pick one talent, it would be that. It is breathtaking, jaw-dropping, and leaves me speechless. The various pairs skating now leave me in awe.

I am afraid that these next two weeks are going to prove to be detrimental to my schoolwork as well as wedding plans...

The one creature who doesn't mind?

Little gato. Theodore is enjoying my couch time, and I must say that I am enjoying it as well!! Ok, I must go now. I am going to force myself to do homework, instead of blogging, during the commercial breaks. I can be productive... I really can.

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