11 February 2010

Popsicles, Yogurt with Granola, and Powerade.

I finally decided to peel myself off of the couch and venture to the grocery store to pick up three things:

1. Popsicles (the true motivation for leaving)
2. Yogurt with Granola (a newfound love for a self-proclaimed yogurt loather)
3. Powerade (always good when I'm sick)

I drug my mismatched self to Wal-Mart in the cold, risking the health and well-being of everyone I was about to come into contact with because of these three measely items.

I arrived at Wal-Mart, walked inside (coughing the whole way due to the frigid air), grabbed a cart, disinfected it (no sense in catching extra germs), and proceeded to pick out the items I deemed important enough to get up for.

After checking out, I thought I had made a successful Wal-Mart run. Without a list. I was proud of myself, after all, I just had to remember three items.

Much to my dismay, when I got home, I realized that my shopping trip had not been as successful as I had thought. I unpacked the following:

1. Blueberry and strawberry banana yogurt with granola
2. Powerade
3. Laundry Detergent

... WHAT?! How in the world did I replace my beloved popsicles with LAUNDRY DETERGENT? Who is their right mind would even THINK about doing laundry... and forget about popsicles?

So, I have ordered myself to take up residence on my couch for the rest of the evening. Obviously I am not well enough to do anything productive.

It's times like these I really wish I didn't live alone- and that I lived closer to my momma. She would have NEVER forgotten to purchase something that one of her children was reeeallllyyy craving when they were sick. Hopefully I get better at this before I start bringing my own into this world.

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