14 February 2010

lovely festivities

Man, oh man... For a holiday that I've sworn off, it sure has popped up a lot in my blogs lately. So, what's one more?

Andrew and I began a new tradition (well, I hope it's become one!) last year. We spend the afternoon antiquing and follow it up with a delicious dinner at Bella Italia. As you may know, our wedding is 3.5 months away, and before yesterday, I had no clue what I was going to do for "something old"... something "blue." Then, I saw it...

... the most gorgeous pearl and blue stone brooch. I had to have it. I wonder what the story is behind this brooch. I wonder if someone else wore it to their wedding to fulfill the age-old saying. I love the three circles- to me they represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and I love how they interlock- which is what mine and Andrew's lives will be doing on June 5th. I will fasten this brooch to my garter, it matches perfectly. Now... I just need to find "Something borrowed"... I think Mom can help me out there! I'm hoping for a clutch of some sort!

Andrew was also able to find an item to purchase at this local antique store. Take a look at my Valentine's Day card! He couldn't resist, and I love it!

This card is even signed on the back! We couldn't believe how vicious it was! It's my favorite Valentine's Card to date!

The day concluded with a wonderful dinner at Bella Italia where I stuffed myself so full of bread dipped in olive oil, pepper, and cheese to eat all of my dinner. Boy, was it good!!!

I really love the man God has blessed me with... and, like I've said before, I don't need a day marked on the calendar to tell him so. He truly is wonderful, and I wouldn't pick anyone else as my Valentine.

So, there... I posted for Valentine's Day. But, don't think I'm becoming a softie. I am going to leave you with the following picture. I hope it makes your stomach church like it did mine! ; ) Nothing says Valentine's Day like an ice sculpture!!

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