15 April 2010

"Everybody, Everybody...

... wants to be a cat!!"

I loved watching Disney's Aristocats as a young child. While the lyrics may not be true for everyone (I know there are a lot of people out there who want to stay far, far away from cats), they were playing through my head last night as I tried to study for my big neuro test today.

My handsome boy, who finally let me take a good picture, showed me the ultimate, carefree lifestyle last night. While a friend and I were frantically trying to study, he lounged around without a care in the world. Must be nice.

At times, studying got to be too much for him. Too much activity can wear a guy out. After a couple hours of limited activity, he was absolutely exhausted. Sleeping on my study materials ensures that he will get at least a little attention. So, he makes sure to do that often.

When being cute doesn't work, he demands my attention. He is particularly fond of highlighters. The color doesn't matter, he just thinks that they are there for his entertainment. Notice he is still laying on my materials. If I ever told my teacher that my cat ate my homework, it would be the truth. When he's had enough of me studying (which happens after about 2 hours), he will lay on my homework, scratch at it, and even chew on it. It's quite odd and a bit disgusting. He doesn't share well.

I often tell him that he's a freeloader and needs to start earning his keep. He just looks at me like I've lost my only mind. Hey, I think it sounds like a good plan.

Overall, he's a pretty handsome cat. I often think that I could handle living his life. Catnaps, catering, and cuddle time. It doesn't get much better than that.

1 comment:

  1. LOL He is a handsome cat. My kitties get impatient with me when I don't give them my full attention. If I'm reading, they demand to lay on the book. If I'm crafting, they are usually trying to eat the string or yarn or whatever I am working with. One time, Hooch actually ate a push pin. :( He was fine tho.

    I always secretly hope they would do the dishes or fold some laundry while I'm at work so that they can earn their keep!
