07 April 2010

She Said Yes!

Three years ago today, my life changed forever...

On Saturday, April 7, 2007, Andrew asked for my hand in marriage. It was the perfect setting. Andrew had planned for our families to go out to eat for and Easter dinner, and we went to a local restaurant named Jays. It was very nice inside, and the room we were seated in had the cutest little old lady playing the piano... who later shared that she also was engaged after only six months! She had been married for 50 years I believe. She helped to assure everyone that a love like ours IS real.

We had just gotten our salads (due to my excitement at this point, I didn't eat a bite alllllll evening!) when Andrew stood up and announced that he had something to say. This is when I pretty much blacked out. I do not remember much of what went on. I am told that he expressed his unconditional love for me and how he knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I was the one for him. And, according to our family and the pictures, he got down on one knee and said, "Abby, will you marry me?"

I was lovestruck and at a complete loss for words! I opened my mouth to say yes, but nothing came out. I simply nodded my head, stood up, gave him a huge hug and kissed him with all the love I had in me.

As we sat back down, I finally got a chance to look at my beautiful ring. I turned to him and said, "YES!" He later told me that it was priceless and my face said everything.

So, after 1,096 days of being engaged, we are 59 days away from FINALLY being Mr. and Mrs.! I am even more in love with him now than I was three years ago. We continue to grow in love with each passing day. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that he is the one God created for me. We complete each other. He is my best friend, and he is the best guy I know. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him!


  1. I still remember you emailing me these pictures and telling me you were engaged! I remember thinking that 2010 was so far away, but now it's finally here! I wish I could be there!!

  2. Heather-

    You are so sweet! It WAS so far away at the time, but it has snuck up on me fairly quickly! We'll celebrate your marriage, my marriage, and the birth of your babies at some point! But, for now, we can just know that we are SO excited for each other and everything we're accomplishing in life!

  3. I remember the big excitement about this day for you too.. it was also a big day for my friend since her brother got married on April 7, 2007.. so great things are happening around that time it seems like! :]

    It's getting close.. have you been thinking about how these are the last holidays you'll be spending without your new name? I would be..lol

  4. Sharon-

    Yes, I have been! Easter was my last major holiday before getting married! It's bittersweet! But, more sweet than anything! I cannot wait!

  5. Oh how I remember all this sooooo well. I couldn't believe it at the time and thought it seemed soooooo far away.....but here we are only 2 months away! I'm glad you found your other-half andddddd have fun!!!!

    Sidenote*** If some boy proposed to me infront of both of our families...I would have thrown the ring in his face and stalked out of the room. :)

  6. Jen-

    You say that now, but when the time comes, no matter how you are proposed to, it will be the perfect proposal! Never would I have imagined that I would share my proposal with everyone, but I cannot imagine it being any other way!

    Thank you soooo much for your excitement! You are such a good friend! I know you probably thought I was crazy when I first told you, but like you said, here we are... only 2 months away!!!

  7. LOL, you are probably right. Hopefully the time doesn't come for a while....because....someone's feelings might get hurt. Not that Josh is a get-down-on-one-knee kinda guy.

    LOL, I'll admit I did think it was a little crazy at first because you guys hadn't known each other very long...but after I heard how long your engagement was, I felt alot better about the situation because you guys had that time to really get to know each other.

    I'm just glad you could find a guy who can put up with the Abby pouting. ;)

  8. Surprisingly, the pouting has come to an end. It just doesn't work. I just ask- and he tells me yes or no, and that's that. It's nice! Very grown-up!

    Yes, the long engagement was good (and, did I say, LONG?!), and we really learned a lot about each other. But, I truly did know that he was the one right away. Crazy, I know, but it's true!

  9. Pouting doesn't work for me anymore either. If I really want something, I just mention it once a day, until it's mine. Spoiled, definately. :)

    I'm sure it felt like forever. I would have been too excited to wait.

    Sometimes, you just know. And you are very lucky you knew and could trust it.

    My problem is, I work at a law office, and see peoples lifes falling apart every day, and has lost total faith in humanity. Maybe one day, I will let go of my cynicisms.

  10. Haha! I think you just may be spoiled! ; )

    It was a little hard for me to fully accept it at first because of my parents' divorce and a few past issues- but, I'm so glad that I did!
