27 April 2010

Week in a Blog

Ok, ok, ok! I know, I know. I have been a terrible blogger lately. The end of the semester is coming to a screeching halt- and my teachers feel the need to pile TONS of work on at the last minute. So, my blog has become the redheaded step-child of my family: neglected.

So, here goes. I will try to post pictures of what has been taking place in the past week and a half around my cute little home!

Theodore is napping. Yes... he is using the back of the couch as a pillow. Adorable, right? I thought so, so of course, I had to take pictures... more than one...

He obviously got fed up with the flash and had to cover his eyes! Which is even MORE adorable than before! Aww! He is such a good little gato!

This picture is truly pathetic. Andrew was only able to visit for a short time a week ago. When he left, Theodore sat at the door... and sat.... and sat... for hours. Well, he sat until I finally put him into his bachelor pad for the night. He was waiting for Andrew to come home : (

Mmm!! It's dinner night at my house!

What dinner is complete without dessert? Super yummy, moist, gooey brownies. Yes, I shared them with my buddies at school the next day. Like my teacher says, I'm a "feeder."

Anyways, I made chicken and teriyaki rice and stirfry for dinner and movie night with my friend, Jen! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed a homecooked meal!

My pansies are doing well! In fact, this picture was taken AFTER they were at their prettiest... and they're still gorgeous! I love my friendly greeting as I walk out my door!

This picture doesn't show it, but I love rainy weekends here and there. This Saturday, I didn't even get out of my pajamas! I enjoyed cuddling with Andrew and pretending like I didn't have a care in the world!

It rained and rained and rained. It made for the perfect day to watch our marriage videos our pastor assigned us. Fun, fun. Jealous?

It rained so much that the landscape started to flood! Boy, oh boy, my yard is beautiful because of this rain! Everything is so green! I love it!

Finally, tonight was the Spring Banquet for my department. Pictured is me with my friend Jen. Purple was the color of choice for tonight's attire. Love it!

Pictured here is the majority of my class! We're overall a good group who gets along, loves to laugh, and can make the best of any assignment! Watch out, world! These are your future SLPs!

Fun thought...

My superlative award for tonight was:

"Class Greeter" and "Frugal Fonda"

I was awarded these titles because of my inability to focus in class, therefore I gaze around the room and smile at whoever make eye contact. I was also recognized by yet another person for my love of frugality! Such an accomplishment. I hope my mom is proud when she reads this!


  1. Awesome awards! And I just love the picture of Theodore covering his eyes. How adorable!

  2. Such a cute kitty. It's cute how he missed Andrew.

    I love your flowers and landscaping. I surprised I actually loooove doing yard work.

  3. Your dinners always look so yummy! We will have to have a girls night one of these days!

  4. I love that, "I'm a feeder." You are like your momma. :o) Natural born care-giver. Great blog update.

  5. Ramona- I thought so! They nailed it!

    Jen- Isn't he cute?! I am glad someone shares my love for flowers/yard beautification/etc.

    Heather- I will cook ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want if you will come and visit me. I will also take care of your little stinkers so you can get away for a little while!

    Anna- Yes, that is how I'm known at school! I am always cooking and sharing! I love to do it!
