17 May 2010

Weekend Fun

This weekend was good. Odd, but good.

1. My brother-in-law is now Dr. Scott. He graduated from Mizzou's medical school on Saturday! I am so proud of him. He earned this title through 4 years of hard work and persistence. It paid off! Congratulations!

2. I got to spend a lot of much needed time with my love. I've missed him lately. Here he's pictured separating a package of seeds. Four different spices came in the same pack- and he separated them so we could put them in different containers! He's so wonderful! He can make me smile so easily!

3. After church, Andrew grilled this amazing meal. He grilled corn on the cob (first of the season!) and steak. I baked the new potatoes in olive oil, fresh rosemary, and salt and pepper. I then topped my steak with bleu cheese crumbles. Yum! It was the best steak I've ever had. The whole meal cost us less than $12. Sure beats eating out!

4. Andrew got a fun new gadget! I call this his music box... he tells me I'm silly. This was his wedding gift from me... He's been a songbird ever since! He was truly like a little kid at Christmas- and it was so fun to see him that excited!! I love having the house filled with music, and I love having a happy husband-to-be! Great purchase!! : )

5. I got a new phone this weekend! I was eligible for an upgrade, and this handy dandy machine was free! I am really enjoying my new phone... touch screen, full keypad, and a doodling program. What more could a girl want in a phone?! haha! It really is a fun phone. And, it meets my high standards... it's the perfect shade of red.

That's my weekend briefing. Fun, but too short. My summer vacation has now come to an end... all four days of it. Back to school tomorrow...

One last thought... Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. We are dealing with a situation now that does not need to be made public. Please pray for strength, guidance, understanding, love, patience, kindness, and more. I am so blessed to have so many people in my life who are willing to pray without prying for information!

1 comment:

  1. Your dinners always look so amazingly delicious! I think I'm coming to your house for dinner when we come home next :)
