24 June 2010

Need You Now

Long day.




My midterm was 5 pages front and back... essay. Yes, I wrote that much. Why? Because I wanted to cover as many bases as I could. Maybe get SOME points. Yeah, it was one of those. And, because of this class and a group project, I was unable to see Andrew before he went to work. Sucks.

Anyways, after my midterm, followed by class (yes, she required class AFTER the test), I was fed up with school and done. My solution: Andy's Blackberry Concrete. I thought it would do the trick. It raised my spirits quite nicely.

Andrew had texted me saying I had a surprise at home. When I got here, he had ordered my favorite pizza of all times, Papa John's breakfast bacon and onion, just so I wouldn't have to cook tonight. He spoils me! I thought that this was my surprise.

Then, I came across fresh chicken tenderloins in the fridge. I thought this, too, was my surprise. But, I was confused because he said I only had one surprise for the day. But, you see, I don't like frozen chicken, and chicken tenderloins far outweigh chicken breasts. I'm wanting to make tortilla pizzas with whole wheat tortillas, tomato paste, garlic, sauteed aspargus and chicken tossed in cooking wine, and parmeasan cheese. So... he made sure he picked up the best chicken for the pizzas.

Then, I saw my favorite popcorn and quart baggies that I take it to school in. I thought this was probably my surprise. Little did I know that all of these items were just him being sweet and making sure he got everything that I love the most. Again, he spoils me rotten.

Really. Truly.

And I don't take a single thing for granted.

About an hour ago, I found my "real" surprise...

Yes, that's right... The Lady A CD I've been coveting for some time now. Attached is a note which reads, "Only surprise for today." Little does he know, this made my day. Since finding this sweet surprise, I've been listening to the songs and chilling out. What's exciting about this CD- it's real life... and very love-centered. It's perfect.

He sure knows how to make a bad day better... even when he isn't here with me. He's wonderful, and I am sooo blessed to have him as my husband! I'm so lucky to be in love with my best friend!


  1. Awww! You have such a sweet hubby!

    And I love your festive background!

  2. Well I sure am glad it made your day, when I got it I didn't even know you were having a bad day! :)

    When I get back to days its going to be hard to surprise you because you'll be with me when I'm off work!
