08 March 2011

Meet Fiona (and Flora)

Last night, I became aware of a very alarming situation. Fred was missing.

Who is Fred? Fred was my flashdrive. Yes, I named him. You see, when I first started grad school, I had a horrible habit of leaving Fred in the clinic at school. I named him to make him more personal. It worked. I haven't left Fred since then. Sadly, Fred could no longer handle the stress of grad school and my capstone project. He is now MIA.

I can think of two possibilities:

1. Fred was thrown away (by me) with a stack of papers.

2. Theodore's jealously became too much for him, and Theodore removed Fred from the situation.

Whatever the case, Fred contained my entire grad school (and clinical) career, and now that is gone. Luckily, Andrew and I switched computers at the beginning of the fall semester. With that, Andrew moved all of Fred's contents onto the computer. So, I've only lost last semester and the beginning of this semester. On top of that, all of my important assignments (my research paper and capstone project) were sent via email with each draft. So, I still have those. Today, I purchased Fred's replacement(s).

This is Fiona.

Am I particularly fond of the bubblegum, middle school pink? No, but I thought this color choice would nicely contrast my dark desk just in case Fred is missing because of me. You see, Fred was a rich black. So, I decided to take that factor out of the equation.

I sure hope Fiona is a bit more loyal than Fred.

This is Flora. I needed a smaller flashdrive to use for an upcoming video assignment. I choose little Flora for the same reasons... easy to spot, hopefully hard to lose.

Anyway, I was very proud of myself. I handled the situation fairly calmly. A couple of friends kept me from shedding too many tears... and I didn't say a single foul word (not even in my head) throughout the entire ordeal.

Afterall, what can be done about it now? Nothing.

So... here's to new beginnings! : )

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