23 March 2011

World in Bloom

I am very excited to move to New York to be with Andrew. I also think it's beautiful there.

Now that I have that out of the way, I am going to focus the next two blogs (at least) on things I will miss about my home here. Unfortunately for my girly emotions, when I returned from New York, these items were VERY evident in the world around me.

My whole yard is in bloom. Aside from the beautiful fall colors, this is my favorite time of year. It hit me that this will be the last time (for a long time) that I get to experience a Missouri spring. You better believe I am soaking it all in.

One of my favorites? My Bradford Pear.

Soon after these pictures were taken, most of the blooms fell. I am very glad I was able to see it, and capture pictures of it, before it turned mostly green. This tree amazes me every spring. It's a beautiful addition to my little yard. I will miss it quite a bit!

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