15 March 2011

New Furniture!

Our "house" is coming along VERY slowly... and I'm not sure how "surely"... you know the saying, "slowly but surely". Anyway, it's pretty much a disaster so far. I'm going to leave it at that though. Anyway, we had already decided to use some of our tax return to purchase new furniture. So, we did! I have taken pictures from the internet to show you our new items because I can't get a good shot or angle in this house right now. I want you to see them for how pretty they are, and someday I will repost when I feel like the environment does them justice. By the way, if you are wanting more details on the house, just send me a private message on facebook. This is as public as I am going to make things.

Take a look!

To begin, this is how we enjoyed a movie our first night here. Andrew's been using the blue chair as his recliner and the white table as his kitchen table for two months now. Sad, huh?

Here is our new kitchen table set! We love high table tops and dark wood. This little table is perfect for our little family. Someday we want a huge kitchen table for lots of kiddos to sit around, but this fits our needs right now. It's too cute for words.

I really like our living room furniture! The cutie patootie loveseat is what sealed the deal for this set! I also really like the legs on the couch and loveseat. My only concern is that Theodore will use the space to hide in when he's in trouble. Regardless, they are very comfy, and I curled up on them in the store and felt right at home. I am excited to have room for people to sit when they come over. Right now, we just have a couch, and I feel silly when people can't get comfortable in our home. I look forward to purchasing a rug to go with these... and I have my eye on a set of lamps with giraffe print shades.

Last, but not least, the husband got his recliner. The actual recliner is not as shiny as it is in this picture. It's more of a distressed look, and for a recliner, it looks pretty sharp. ; ) He's very excited about this piece, and I must admit, he looks super cozy in it. I already warned him that I do require nightly snuggle time on the couch regardless of how much he likes his recliner. Luckily for him, I enjoy curling up on my little loveseat enough to let recliner time slide.

Overall, things are becoming much more comfortable and feeling more like a home. It's the little things that count!

1 comment:

  1. We have that same recliner and it is super comfy! Definitely not as shiny as that pic. lol
