18 March 2010

The All-Consuming Wedding

I am exhausted. Utterly exhausted. But, it's the good kind of exhaustion. This week, when I've not been visiting with family, I've been working on the wedding hardcore. A lot has been accomplished- and this means my stress load is waaaaay lighter than it was before spring break. Thank goodness for that!! Today saw many items checked off of my "to-do" list! Check it out...

I finally finished the gifts for the girls in the wedding! I know several people from the wedding party check my blog, but a picture of the bags isn't going to hurt! I can't wait to give these presents to the sweet girls who are sharing my big day with me! I love them all!

Next... stamping the envelopes. I finished all but 9 envelopes... including the RSVP cards. The post office ran out of the ones used on the large envelope, so we still have 9 left to do. Overall, I put stamps on 262 envelopes tonight. My wrist hurts.

Just another shot of my workspace. It really wasn't as bad as I was expecting. None of this has been. I worried for nothing- go figure!!

... I completed one more item, but I will wait until Sunday to add those pictures to this post!

Along with these tasks, I also scheduled and appointment with a seamstress to get my dress altered! I cannot wait to have it fit correctly! Then it will truly feel like MY wedding dress! I am sooo excited about that, but I'm also nervous. It's hard handing something over that you've paid so much for just so someone can cut it up! But, the seamstress seems to be super sweet... and she comes highly recommended.

Ok, enough wedding news for tonight... and onto more important things.

My Granny Miff is very sick. She was rushed to the hospital two nights ago. She has since been hospitalized, and the doctors are trying to treat her prenumonia. She, of course, is very worried that she is going to miss my shower. I keep telling her that she needs to focus on being well, but she has apparently told her doctors that she will need to be released by Sunday! Oh, how I love my Granny Miff!! She is my buddy, and I am so proud of her. She has fought through so much, and she continues to fight! She is someone to admire and look up to when it comes to battling cancer and anything else thrown her way.

Of course, this illness has also added stress to Mom. Mom is trying to stay out of shower plans as much as possible, but Miranda is only 15 and needs Mom's assistance. So... needless to say, Mom is very stressed. A dear friend, who realized how much Mom is going through, lightened the load Mom is carrying by cooking us a fantastic spaghetti dinner tonight!

What is a spaghetti dinner without the bread?

Yummy spaghetti and greenbean casserole!

Great salad and awesome fruit salad! Yum!!!


It is soo nice to have good friends. My family is so blessed by Mrs. Lueken and all that she has done for us. She is a wonderful person, and she would do anything for anyone. Along with dinner, she has also offered to help Mom and Miranda do whatever needs to be done for the shower. She is such a kind spirit, and the world is a better place because of her!

Final thoughts for today...

I am so glad that Keith (my future father-in-law) is recovering so well.

I am extremely excited for my future brother and sister-in-law! They will be moving to Kentucky so Scott can complete his residency in anesthesia! I will miss them- but they will not be too far away, and this will be such a great experience!

I am grateful for the Mrs. Lueken's of this world.

I am so excited that wedding plans are coming along so well.

I have the best Mom and Maid-of-Honor ever. I also have great bridesmaids!

I can't wait to see my gato, Theodork. I've been away from the crazy critter for too long.

I miss my fiance... and I am so ready to spend my life with him!

... Signing off now! Goodnight!


  1. So, 3 things....

    1) That food looks AMAZING
    2)YAY for wedding plans coming together!
    3)I hope your Granny Miff is doing better!

  2. Three things...

    1. The food WAS amazing. The thought behind it made it even better.

    2. YAY doesn't even begin to explain how truly happy I am that everything is coming together!

    3. Granny Miff IS doing much better- I'm not praying that she will be released in time for my shower!
