07 March 2010

Weekend at a Glance

Starting tomorrow, I am going to be kicking myself for enjoying the weekend as much as I did. But, for now, I am going to sit back and reminisce.

First of all, our new desk came in! Since we are getting married in less than three months, we are trying to create the optimal amount of living space. We are trying to organize the house so we can fit everything in without going crazy. This desk allows for more drawer space as well as a better set up for homework.

Andrew is hard at work putting the new desk together!

Andrew is being silly! I love when he does this!

Final product! : ) Since this picture was taken, a large peace lily has found a home next to the desk. Also, several organizational items have found a place on the desk top. We love it!

Now, for even more news... Andrew bought me Pansies this weekend! Pansies are, by far, my favorite potted flowering plant. I love seeing their happy faces as I walk out of my front door. He's such a wonderful fiance!

Getting ready to pot!

Such a happy treat!

A shot as I walk out my front door! : )

I had enough to fill two pots for my front steps! I got these adorable white pots at the Dollar Tree today! It was a rather successful dollar store trip I must say!

One last Pansy shot. This is the one I feel in love with at Lowe's. I think it's the cutest little thing ever! I love it!

While Andrew and I were enjoying the outdoors and doing some yard work, we had the windows in the house open. Theodore loves this time of the year, and he goes from window to window to enjoy the fresh air. He also cries to get outside with me and Andrew. Mostly Andrew... Theodore thinks Andrew is here for him and him alone. He adores Andrew.

So, Andrew decided that Theodore needed to experience the gorgeous weather with us. It made me a nervous wreck, but Theodore loved to soak up the sunshine!

Here he is soaking up the sunshine. He was perfectly still in Andrew's arms! It was hilarious.

Here I am with my gato... I did not realize how HUGE he has gotten until I compare this picture with one taken when I first got him. Oh. my. gosh!!! He's so fat! I love it!

Despite the fun Theodore had inside, we had to put him back in because he was getting a little too adventurous. While inside, I decided that I wanted to play dress up. He was adorable.

Surprisingly, he left it on. The scarf threw him off a bit when he tried to walk and play, but overall, he did not mind. I think he looks like a little old lady. I think he's too cute for words. HAHA!!

And finally...

... Stay tuned to find out what this little surprise is! Andrew spoils me!


  1. I so was trying to talk Josh into planting flowers this weekend but he thought it was too soon so I have to wait another month or so. :(

    Theo is getting fat. I love it!

  2. Aww, Jen! That stinks! I only planted pansies because they are so hardy. They can withstand a lot. I may have to bring them inside a couple of times though if it gets too cold!

    Yes, he is getting fat- very fat. It's crazy!

  3. I wouldn't be happy if you actually dressed the cat up to dress him up. Luckily it was a joke, and pretty funny at that.
