05 March 2010

Biscuit Pizzas

My week ahead is going to be a busy one. I also have my fiance here for the weekend. So, that means that I wanted to bake this weekend. I love to cook for Andrew, and I also enjoy having easy meals to just pop in the microwave when I am going to have a busy week. I wanted to try a new recipe this weekend, and biscuit pizzas fit the bill. They sounded quick, easy, and I thought that they would reheat well throughout the week. They are also easy on the budget, and I had the choice to make a lot... or just a small amount. I chose to make two cans of biscuits so we would have some to eat on this weekend, and I could reheat them during the week. You can make any type of biscuit pizza you desire, but here are the ingredients I used:

Buttermilk Biscuits
Pizza Sauce
Mushroom Slices
Mozzarella Cheese
Non-Stick Spray

After preheating the oven to 425, follow these quick steps!

First, we browned the ground beef.

While Andrew was cooking the meat, I flattened the biscuits and coated them with a light dusting of flour before placing them on a baking pan lightly sprayed with non-stick spray.

After the biscuits were ready, I began the layering process.

While I was putting the pizza sauce on the biscuits, Andrew was doing the dirty work and chopping the onion for me.

You can put on as much (or little) sauce as you would like. I tend to like a lot of sauce while Andrew likes to have a lightly sauced pizza.

Next, I put a layer of mushrooms on the pizza. After, of course, letting Andrew steal a few out of the can! He loves to do that!

After the mushrooms were on the pizzas, I began to put onions on as well. Yum!

And, now for the most important layer (to Andrew!)... the beef!

Sprinkle lightly with cheese before putting it in the oven to bake.

Mmm!! They're looking good!

Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes (we switched racks halfway through).

Let cool...

... Serve and enjoy!!

These little pizzas were a big hit with my fiance (which is a must for a new recipe)!! After we both ate as much as our stomachs would allow, I put the leftovers in Ziploc baggies for easy storage. These little pizzas are easy to grab on the go, and they reheat wonderfully.

These little pizzas are also ideal to make with children, because they can create their own pizza. I would encourage the adult to brown the meat and be the one who puts them in the oven. But, the youngster can enjoy all of the other steps and feel a sense of pride in creating their own dinner.

This dinner was definitely a success, and will be a recipe that I use for years to come! I hope you can enjoy it as well!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow.. this look so delicious!

    I definitely want to make these now..

    (and this is Sharon btw XD)
