19 March 2010

It's Not Just a Shower Anymore...

... It's a monsoon!

Today, I was the recipient of the coolest shower gift ever! And, yes, I receieved it before my shower. One of my favorite people in this entire world asked if she could come over today to visit. She explained that my gift was "inappropriate" for a shower, but I later found out it's because she wanted to visit with me and hog as much time as possible. I couldn't be more happy about this!

Mrs. Lueken (my former 8th grade teacher and forever role model) showed up this afternoon with her arms loaded... and had to go back for another load. She quickly explained the abundance of gifts.

She said that for as long as she has known me, I have always come to her excited about a current bargain. Sharing my love for getting the most for a buck, Mrs. Lueken and I discovered quickly that we are kindred spirits. Our relationship goes far beyond our frugality, and over the years we have developed a very unique bond. Pictures of the gift will follow below, but what meant the most to me, was the card I received.

In her card she revealed to me that aside from her own children, she has never been more excited for someone who is soon to be married. She also told me that she have developed a deep love for me... and this comes from a lady who speaks exactly how she feels. To know that her love for me is the same love I feel towards her warmed my heart! She is such a wonderful lady, and she is a true example of how Christ loves us. She is quietly good, and she does not seek approval or acknowledgement for her good deeds. She just is who she is. And that is a wonderful thing.

Ok, I'll stop being mushy, and I'll get to the pictures! Remember- she found EVERY item on sale. Each one was a bargain- and I can guarantee it was a GOOD bargain. It was SO fun to open!

First stop... 4th of July!

The bargains she found were: a heavy duty grilling set, two star plates, and a tea jug. So cute! She also found...

... A set of four completely adorable star serving bowls! I love them!

Next stop...

... Fall!!

These items included two sets of four ivory napkins, two sets of bronze leaf napkin holders...

... two fall swags, fall odds and ends for a bowl, and a flower arrangement that I coveted all season at Wal-Mart. I am proud to say that it is now mine... and it was found at a bargain!

Ok... Now on to...


She included two sets of gold ornaments (20 cents each!), a gold "Believe" ornament, a cold sparkly candle, holly serving bowls, a Christmas cookbook...

... a set of red placemats and napkins, a cookie pan with fun wintery shapes, an ornament tree...

... and a beautiful Christmas wreath and fabulous storage box!

Of course, all of the items came in a storage tub because she knew that I have limited living space. She also found this at a bargain.

Mrs. Lueken spent the same amount that she usually spends for weddings, and she got so much "bang for her buck!" She took the time and effort to put together a gift that is indicative of a love we both share... a love for bargains. What a fun gift idea- and it is something I will talk about for years to come!


  1. Wow! Amazing. I am also very frugal, but very impressed!

  2. Ramona-

    It was such a cool gift! She did an awesome job!
