09 March 2010

Theraputic Tuesday

I deal with stress in many different ways. I cry. I retreat. I whine. I avoid. But, among these very normal things, I also relieve much stress by making wreath and listening to Norah Jones. I discovered my love for making wreaths during my second semester of college. I was avoid finals, and I really wanted a sunflower wreath. I made a trip to Hobby Lobby and discovered that I could make EXACTLY what I wanted for half of the price of a premade wreath. After successfully completing my first wreath, I was in love. I went on a wreath making spree. Everyone received one. To this day, I make wreaths when I am the most stressed. Sure, it's a way to procrastinate, but it's also a way to refocus. I discovered my love for Norah Jones last semester when a dear friend (who is also my study buddy), introduced me to her during the dreadful finals week.

Today was "one of those days." It's midterms. The wedding is drawing near. Clinic is busy. And, some other things happened today that just made it "one of those days." Amazingly, I made a Hobby Lobby trip yesterday. I had a gift card (thanks, Melissa!), and I reeeaaaallllyyy wanted to make a new spring wreath. I hit the jackpot. So, tonight, I just could not focus on studying or writing the paper I need to write, so I got out my wreath making supplies, turned on Norah Jones, and got to work. I am very pleased with the way my creation turned out. Pictures do not do it justice, nor do they show how cheery and springy the wreath truly is. I hope you enjoy despite the inability of a photograph to truly capture all of the colors.

All of my supplies... floral pieces, wreath, hot glue gun, wire cutters, extra glue sticks, and Norah Jones.

Close up of everything I had to work with!

Final product! As I said, the picture does not capture the varying shades of pinks and purples, the bright yellow, and the spring green berries. But, it's still gorgeous!

Close up to show more details!

I am feeling much more relaxed, and I am now ready to face a night of studying and writing. When I get frustrated, all I have to do is look at my front door and smile.

I love Spring.

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