08 July 2010

Fish Are Friends, Not Food

Last night Theodore and I discussed his new friends.

He enjoyed watching our fish family swim around, but I explained to him that our fish are friends, not food. He seemed to grasp this concept very quickly.

Andrew told me that I didn't need to encourage him and his fascination with our latest additions. He gets on to Theodore whenever he is near the tank to ensure that Theodore won't try to eat them.

So, I turned Theodore away from the tank while still holding him like the picture above, and that little stinker turned his neck almost completely around to see his buddies!!

It was too funny!

He's such a silly cat, but you know, he's far too interested in the birds and bugs outside of the house to worry about the tasty friends inside.

1 comment:

  1. when our fish tank went out a few days ago my cat sat there plotting how to get them she was quite displeased when the filter started working again since she has been plotting how to get those fish for 4 years lol..
