15 July 2010

Keepin' it in the Family

I love to cook. I haven't always enjoyed cooking, but as I get older, I love it more and more. A few years ago, my mom gave me one of the coolest gifts for Christmas.

She put together a recipe book with all of my favorite family recipes. I mean, it has everything from my favorite chili to my most preferred appetizer. This cookbook hosts the recipe for the Christmas cookies I baked every year and the dessert I love the most. It's a pretty handy tool. Especially now that I'm married.

I went to use it the other day to bake banana bread, and I realized that my recipe book was missing this very important recipe. Luckily, my mom was just an email away. I realized then, though, that I need more than just my favorites. It became evident that I need (or want!) all of the recipes my mom has used over the years.

She is a great cook, and I so enjoy cooking the same foods she graced our dinner table with each night. I am thankful that I had a mom who made sure we had a homemade meal on the table as often as physically possible while she was working. She definitely instilled a passion in me to care for my own family.

So, Mom, if you're reading this, I would really, really love a more elaborate version of this very special cookbook!


  1. That is very special and the best kind of cookbook Ever! I have never been able to find a cookbook that I really like. I usually just call my grandma. lol

  2. Abby, you sure have a knack for writing posts that bring tears of joy to my eyes! I learned everything I know about cooking from one of the best--Grandma Kline. She would be so proud to see you not only using these recipes, but also taking joy in preparing them. Most of all, she'd be thrilled to know that you and Andrew are enjoying good food. She couldn't stand the thought that anyone might go hungry. I'll see what I can do about that expanded cookbook, but you've got to promise to pass the love along--to create special memories around the dinner table with your future children someday! ;o)

  3. Thank you, Mom! I love to cook, and I am so thankful that I am capable of creating meals that I had growing up! Grandma's legacy lives on in so many ways, and I am thrilled that I have the tools to carry on her memory in this way! You should know better than to have me promise that. I would love nothing more than to pass this love on to future generations. It's a tradition must continue through time.

    Ramona- I cannot find a cookbook that I like either. Family recipes are the best!

  4. I love this idea! I need something like this! I love how you have so many family traditions. It's something I want one day :)

  5. Heather-

    I'd be glad to share our family recipes with you! They are super yummy, fairly easy, and mostly kid, husband, and wife approved!!

  6. I understand that girl.. when i went up to missouri this past time my grandma gave me the most priceless gift she gave me her cook books that have been passed down since her great grandmother i still cry when i look at em and even though i have my own favorites i like to cook and one day will write down and add to those priceless hand written pages. Its nice to have the ones that my grandma always baked and cooked for us. Im so glad you got that cook book
