26 July 2010

Impatiently Waiting

Days like today (or any day recently for that matter) really make me anxious for our honeymoon. By anxious, I mean that I literally cannot wait another second. The sad thing is, I have to. As much as I want to run away from responsibility now, I know that I must be patient and only daydream of the amazing time that Andrew and I are going to have away from obligations and Missouri.

Here's a look into my daydreams...

(Thank you, Mom for the images! ... even though you didn't know that I was going to steal them!)

Fresh salmon from Lake Michigan. Smoked salmon is soooo, soooo good.

Seagulls running here and there... stealing food.


Marinas everywhere.

Coolest road ever. So fun to drive!

Quaint lighthouses. So beautiful to look at!

Goats on the roof of a Sweedish restaurant. Best portobello mushroom sandwich around is made here!

Sunflower fields as far as the eye can see.

Gorgeous vineyards.

Ripe cherries just waiting to be picked.

Feeling victorious after winning the (cherry) seed spitting contest.

Charming local shops.

Jukeboxes and ice cream.

Landscape dotted with steeples.

Steeples lit up in the night.

Gorgeous storm clouds.

Most amazing sunsets over the water.

Yes, these images are what fill my daydreams. I can't wait for them to become a reality.

Our honeymoon cannot come soon enough, and I cannot wait for a week of no obligations, pure relaxation, and spending time with the most amazing husband around!


  1. So so pretty! Your mom needs to give me photography lessons :)

  2. Heather-

    You should meet up with her when you are in Missouri!!

  3. We're gonna drive one hundred and ten on that road ;)

  4. I hear you there girl its always great to get away even if its a weekend trip and for us thats all that is possiable for us lol. And i agree with heather ur mom is a great photographer!
