20 July 2010

Making the Impossible Possible

Let me begin by saying, I asked Andrew to give his input for this week's menu. I must admit, I was not happy about many of his choices, and I was very nervous about one.

One request was for me to make a family favorite of his- his MawMaw's Beef and Cabbage Soup. I must admit, I wasn't very excited about tackling a recipe from my husband's family. My family is one thing, but I had never attempted a recipe from his.

I also knew that with this recipe I would have to attempt to achieve the impossible.


After getting the recipe from his mom, I went to work.

At first, I was a little leery because it looked so bland. It was a bit on the pale side, but I covered and let it simmer anyways.

After cooking for an hour and a half, the soup was looking much, much better. After tasting and adding splashes of spice, the soup was ready to cook to perfection.

This meant one thing...

It was time for cornbread.

Let me back up, the last time I made cornbread, I followed the directions in their entirety. Despite my conscious effort to create the perfect cornbread, when I pulled it out of the oven, something was very, very wrong.

It was flat and hard. It was not burnt. Just awful. I had no idea what I had done wrong. It's the one thing I've attempted to cook that I failed terribly at. I think the pan actually went sailing across the kitchen. Ha, ha!

Needless to say, I was a little worried about how this one would turn out. So, I checked it often.

When I pulled it out of the oven, I wasn't convinced that it would be edible. I was afraid that it would be kin to a brick. As I was cutting into it; however, I was reassured that it had turned out well.

After deciding that the bread was a go, it was time for us to sit down for dinner.

Upon first bite, I knew that I had achieved the impossible! I was so excited that I couldn't help but pose for a picture... and then blog about it today. I have accomplished a goal that I set months ago, and I am one happy camper!!


  1. Aww that's great!! The food looks yummy!

  2. Oooo! I wish I could have joined you for dinner! It looks yummy, and I want the cabbage soup recipe!

  3. What a hoot! Congratulations, it looks awesome. BTW, I wouldn't mind that recipe myself. It looks GOOD! (Unless it's a family secret.) ;o)

  4. Cara- It was super yummy!

    Mom- I'm telling you, you guys need to come for dinner sometime! I can be a great cook when I want to be! Tonight it's bacon tortellini alfredo sprinkled with peas with a side of parmesan new potatoes!

  5. Anna- Thank you! It was pretty good if I do say so myself! More importantly, the husband was a happy boy!!

  6. Bacon tortellini alfredo--mmmmmmmmm!! You name the date and time, and we'll be there!

  7. Diana,
    You weren't here :(

    It was SOOOO GOOD!!

  8. so glad that the soup & corn bread turned out. hope you liked it!
