23 July 2010

Sweet Company

I walked outside a few days ago with my arms full. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flash across my foot. I looked around for what it was, and I spotted it.

This sweet baby bunny was no bigger than the palm of my hand! He was awfully scared of such a big creature flashing a horrible light in his little eyes. But, I couldn't resist taking his picture.

So, as Andrew and I were eating dinner last night, Andrew looks out the window by the table and says, "Look! There's your baby bunny... with his momma!" ... Or something along those lines. I looked out, and sure enough! There he was!

But, he wasn't alone! Soon there were two... then three... then FOUR baby bunnies hopping after their momma! We couldn't grab the camera in time; however, we did get this picture...

ALL four of the babies are under the momma feeding! If you look closely, you can see one little white puffball of a tail sticking out. It was the cutest thing I've seen in a while, and Andrew and I just sat amazed at God's creatures! What a wonderful world we live in!


  1. Abby, Savannah has been wanting (and trying to when she's at Sue's) to catch a bunny to take home with her. I'll just send her your way to collect one of yours. Grin

    Thanks for sharing, those are too cute.
