17 April 2011

Beaded Bookmarks

A few days ago, my mom sent me a link to a new craft idea she wanted me to try. Beaded ribbon bookmarks. At first, I thought that this would be no problem at all, but as I began looking for beads, I realized that this was not an easy task. You see, it is hard to find beads with a big enough opening for ribbon to fit through! I had to be very selective when choosing the beads. I have completed three "trial" bookmarks before I begin working on the order that my mom placed.

This was my first attempt. I used black and white beads and black sheer ribbon for this one. I really, really like how it turned out.

This was my second try. I like the soft beading on this one. The white ribbon has polka dot detailing that helps it "pop" and adds character. It's very feminine and springy.

This was my third attempt. It's a little more "young" than the other two and is super cute as well.

What have I learned?

Sheer ribbon works best.

Although I like the looks of the other two a lot, the sheer ribbon is easier to work with... and it fits in the tiny holes a little bit better than the others.

So... I think these are a super neat idea, and I look forward to completing the order I've received; however, I don't think I will find myself addicted to these like I am to my other crafting venues, but stay tuned! You just may be surprised to find more in my Etsy shop soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love them girl your mom comes up with the best idea's!
