13 April 2011

I'm Infested!!

Remember this plant from several blogs ago? It didn't look so sad then, did it? When I returned from the weekend with Andrew, I noticed that it was VERY lopsided. I couldn't figure it out, so I turned it just in case it was getting more sun on that one side. It didn't really come out of it, and I was very perplexed as to why.

Well, this morning, I walked out the door, and two turtle doves went flying out of the plant. I thought that I was seeing things, and then I talked myself into believing that they were only flying by. I couldn't fathom them actually nesting in my hanging plant.


... I took it down this evening to prune it in hopes of sprucing it up some. I was met with a little surprise.

Yep, sure enough, I have two turtle doves nesting in my potted plant. Add that to the two robins that flare their tail feathers at me every time I walk out the door. You would think that I lived in the middle of nowhere instead of the middle of town.

Sadly, this nest was promptly removed. A nest by my light is something I can embrace. A nest that is killing my potted plant, not so much. I do feel a little guilty about demolishing their home, but they took it a step too far.

So, I've had a possum take up residence under my car and shed, two robins nest on my porch, two turtle doves nest in my potted plant, two bunnies that have returned since the possum was captured, and an owl in my bradford pear tree... and he calls to his lover each night, so I end up with two owls in my tree by night's end.

Wildlife has taken over... and most of the time, I absolutely love it. Andrew laughs because my life is already so much like the movie Enchanted, and when things like this happen, it further confirms the fact that the writers documented my every day life.

Now... if only I could get them to help with housework...

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