18 April 2011

More Eggs!

I have neglected to post about my other nest... you know the one on the porch. Well, I thought that the birds had abandoned this nest. That is, until I saw a robin fly out of it just now. So, I did some investigating.

I am excited to say that they are proud parents as well!

Although Eugene and Ellie Mae are MUCH more fun to watch, I think these eggs are absolutely beautiful. Who needs Easter eggs when I have the prettiest natural ones right outside my door? Literally.

Sadly, the love story for these birds is not quite as romantic as the turtle doves. Let me explain...

"The cup-shaped nest is built by the female, who builds the outer foundation with long coarse grass, twigs, paper and feathers woven together. She lines the inner bowl with mud, smearing it with her breast and later adding fine grass or other soft material to cushion her eggs. The nest is located on the ground or high up in trees, but most commonly 5 to 15 feet above ground in a dense bush, in the crotch of trees, on on window ledges or other human structures. All that is needed for the nest is a firm support and overhead protection from rain. In northern areas, the first brood is generally raised in a coniferous evergreen tree or shrub, and the later one or two broods in a deciduous tree. Usually three to five blue-green eggs are laid and incubated by the female for a period of about 14 days. She continues brooding the chicks while they are very young, then later doing so only during bad weather and at night. The male assists only by collecting material for the nest and sometimes feeding the chicks."

So, these little chicks will have an absentee father except for an occassional meal. That's not very cool. I think he needs to take lessons from Eugene. He is always on patrol and makes sure the area is safe and secure for Ellie Mae and his babies.

So, I guess my female robin will need a name as well, although I am not as attached to her as I am to Eugene and Ellie Mae. Maybe I'll be a bit more on board once there are peeping chicks around. I am sad, though, that she is only brooding 2 eggs instead of the usual 3-5.

Anyway... I guess I missed the day when I put up a sign welcoming all birds, but I'm glad they feel safe enough to hatch their offspring here!

1 comment:

  1. She decided he didn't provide enough child support and as a single mom she could only handle two. lol. So exciting seeing babies!
