09 September 2010

My Cousin, The Marine

My cousin, Kerry, and I have spent our lives being mistaken for siblings instead of cousins. We look alike (more so than my own siblings), we have a lot of similar personality traits, and we've always been extremely close. We both love children, we both have tender hearts, and we both have a desire to do what's best in life.

Kerry certainly did just this. My baby cousin left for bootcamp the day after Andrew and I got married. I didn't see him again for exactly three months. I gave him a goodbye hug on June 5th, and I was able to receive a monster hug from the United States' newest Marine on September 5th.

He left a boy and came home a man.

Kerry, who always has a huge smile on his face, learned how to look like a Marine. It must have taken a lot to "wipe the smile" off of his face, but he does it well!

Not only did Kerry's platoon receive the award as Honors Platoon, but Kerry also achieved Expert status on marksmanship. He completed bootcamp- and he did it well. Above all of these achievements, one sticks out above the rest.

Kerry was the Spiritual Leader for his platoon. He provided a Christ-like example for them to follow, and I know he struggled daily to live his life differently than most. I know that at times it would have been easier for Kerry to fall into Satan's trap... a trap filled with negative attitudes, dirty mouths, and much more. As I understand, Kerry made it a point to choose the harder road... the road less traveled. I couldn't be prouder of Kerry for choosing to reflect Christ in all that he does... including the grueling days of bootcamp.

As I said earlier, Kerry left as a boy and came back as a man. My heart bursts with pride as I think about all that he has done over the last three months. I changed his diapers when he was little (with help, of course), wiped away some tears, listened to his heart, and basically thought the world of him. We were a team- favorite cousins for sure.

Now I look up to him. I respect him. I'm honored to know him. He's still one of my very favorites. I still think the world of him.

I couldn't be more at ease knowing he's one of the honorable men serving our country and protecting our freedom.

Ephesians 6:16-18
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this blog! Thank you Kerry for protecting our freedom!
