14 September 2010

On the Lookout

When Andrew and I registered for wedding gifts in February, we registered for a lot of cool things. We received a good portion of what we were wanting, but when all was said and done, we realized that we did not get one item that we were REALLY hoping to get.


We registered for the prettiest, most sturdy drinking glasses, and we were hoping to replace the ones that I already had. But, no such luck. "Oh well", we thought! We planned to purchase them with one of the many generous gift cards we had received.

So the search began.

 The search continued.

The search took us to multiple Wal-Marts anywhere from Missouri... to Arkansas... to Wisconsin... to Colorado.

We searched and searched.

We finally decided that we just were not meant to have these glasses, and we also decided that we were content with what we already had. I mean, after all, nothing was wrong with them. We just were excited about receiving the ones we had chosen together. No big deal... it's a minor detail.

On Friday, we were in Wal-Mart getting the last of our groceries for the week. We normally start off at Aldi's and buy all that we can there for a fraction of the cost. Anyway, we were in Wal-Mart, and we make it a point to go down the clearance aisle often. We hardly ever find anything worth purchasing- even on sale, but tonight brought about the most exciting find!

Our glasses! On SALE!! We found them for $2 cheaper per box than they were when we picked them out. We were SO excited and we snatched them up right away!

This is the tall glass. We love the shape and feel of them. They are very bottom-heavy, and in a glass, this is a good thing!

As soon as they were cleansed of Wal-Mart germs, I had to try them out with my signature lemon water. Yum! I promise it's an even tastier drink from these beautiful glasses!

They look so nice in our cabinets, and I am so glad that we finally found them! It's funny what can be found when it's no longer a priority to do so...

1 comment:

  1. We've looked so long it will now be difficult to not walk down the drink-ware isle. :)
