07 September 2010

Reducing Clutter... Building Relationships

Over the weekend, Andrew and I had a yard sale at our house. We have a lot of "stuff" and we are trying to simplify. So, we thought, why not make a little money while we're at it? Our sale was very successful on Friday, but Saturday stands out the most to me.

Not only were we having a yard sale, but Andrew is also trying to sell his old mud truck. On Saturday, he received a phone call from an interested buyer (that term is used VERY loosely!) and he had to leave our sale to go to his parents' house to show his truck. They live about an hour and a half away from us. So, he asked his nana to stay with me while the yard sale was still taking place so I wouldn't be alone with the goonies.

I can honestly say that those three hours that I spent with Nana Helen were awesome! I had such a nice time visiting with her, learning about her, and just enjoying some girl talk. She has a wonderful heart, and she is an absolute sweetheart. Neither one of us wanted to end the yard sale because we were having too much fun enjoying the gorgeous weather... and the fabulous company.

I hated that Andrew had to make such a long trip just for the guy to tell him he wasn't interested in less that five minutes, but I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to visit with Helen. I really got to know her better, and it was nice to have a long chat with one of the grandmas in my life! It was really good to be able to talk to her like I do with my Granny Miff or Granny Sue. It was good for my heart!

So, yes, we were able to get rid of a lot of clutter... make some money... but, I was able to make a special relationship even stronger. What a blessing!


  1. way to go girl! im so glad you got great in-laws wish i had but at least i have a good family and good friends.
