28 September 2010

Simply Scrumptious

I am not a baker. By this, I mean that I don't really care for baking sweets... cookies, cupcakes, cakes, pies... you get the picture. I guess I just don't have the patience it takes... and I like salty foods better. I do; however, enjoy making cobbler. I believe that cobbler is especially mouth-watering in the fall. After Andrew and I returned from camping this weekend, we had a birthday dinner for him.

He requested... and made... buffalo chicken pizza. I know, I know. I'm terrible... he had to make his own birthday meal. But- he does SUCH a good job that it's hard not to let him!

Anyway, they were delicious!

Now... onto the real purpose of this blog.

Blackberry Cobbler... some people refer to this as a "dump cake," but I happen to think that name is repulsive and does not adequately describe this delectable dessert.


Two cans of pie filling (blackberry is our personal preference)
Yellow cake mix (we use Aldi's because it's the cheapest)
One stick of butter


After spraying the bottom of a 9x13 pan, pour both cans of fruit filling into the bottom. Spread evenly.

Sprinkle the box of cake mix over the fruit filling.

Melt and drizzle one stick of butter over the top of the cake mix.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour. Make sure it's a beautiful golden brown... but don't over cook it.

Remove from oven. Let cool.

Serve and enjoy!

I am loooooving fall so far! I can't wait for more fall foods... pumpkin bread, chili, and cinnamon apples are upon us! This cooler weather is good for my soul... and I think we are going to a pumpkin patch this weekend! My love for pumpkins will be saved for another time...


  1. SOO good!

    Who did the fancy design on your buffalo chicken pizza?

  2. Hmmm... Let me think about that...

    Could it be the best husband in the world?

    Why, yes! I think so!
