09 November 2010

Birthday Surprise

Last week, Andrew asked me to not look at our online banking account for a few days. I asked him why, and he said that I had an early birthday present on the way. I love surprises, and I will do anything to not find out what I'm getting. So, of course, I didn't go near our online banking account. But, I did wonder... and wonder... and wonder.

It was supposed to arrive on Thursday, but the company didn't even ship until Thursday. Sooo... that gave me extra time to guess what it could be. My mind went anywhere from an owl purse... to an owl wallet... to an owl keychain... to an owl apron. As you can tell, I was pretty stuck on owls. That's because we had just looked at all of those things, and I really liked them all.

I was as wrong as anyone could be about the gift. I came home to a package yesterday. I didn't want to open it right away because I knew that Andrew wanted to watch me to see my reaction. So I waited some more. I even tripped coming inside because I didn't want to look at the packaging label. I like surprises THAT much. Finally, he had time to watch me. Let me tell you, trying to cut tape is difficult when trying not to look at the labeling!

But, first, a little sidenote... Remember how yesterday I explained that I have weird cravings? Well, this is certainly one of them. Plainly put- I'm weird. That being said...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the box!

I got it! I FINALLY got it!

What did I get?

Balsamic Vinegar... aged 25 years. You can either gag now... or be excited for me. I was definitely the latter of the two.

While on our honeymoon in Door County, we stumbled upon the The Oilerie in the quaint little town of Fish Creek. I was instantly enamored with the place.

You see, I normally eat salad JUST to have the taste of vinegar. I looooove the strong taste, and I crave it frequently. I often joke that I have a vinegar deficiency... much like that of an iron deficiency. Anyway, when I took my first taste of this balsamic vinegar, my tastebuds finally experienced what they had been searching for all my life.

A little dramatic, yes, but it was just THAT good. At the time, Andrew could not justify the expense. But upon further research when we got home, he realized that it was a very reasonable price... and he decided that it would be the perfect birthday surprise.

Boy, was he right! I am still excited about it, and now that I have photographed for blogging purposes, I am going to open... and savor every delicious drop and honeymoon memory it brings throughout the next year of its shelf life!


  1. lol it is weird, but I expect nothing less from you. ;)

    And what is with this owl trend lately? It's getting out of hand. ;)

  2. I hope that's a compliment! ; )

    It's because they are so adorable. I have two sets of owl earrings that I wear frequently... and we just bought 5 owl ornaments!

  3. So happy for you girl that is so sweet!

  4. Thanks! I can't wait to cook with it : )

  5. Of course it was a compliment.

    Owl ornaments...WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    And I have owl figurines that NEVER LEAVE MY BOOKSHELF....along with their gnome friends. :)

  6. Mmmmm...balsamic reduction over filet mignon...doesn't get any better! I TOO love GOOD aged Balsamic! My chef brother-in-law gave me a 30 yr old bottle for my birthday once.....Heaven!! Love you Birthday girl!

  7. Jen... Hobby Lobby, Sears, and Target!

    Aunt Lori- Please share! Yes, it is a bit like Heaven on Earth, and I can't wait to use it for alllllll kinds of food. Yum!
