24 November 2010

So Thankful

It's almost Thanksgiving. I know tomorrow will be busy, so I wanted to take time today to reflect on the many things I am thankful for in my life.

1. My Lord and Savior - I am incredibly grateful for the life I have because of my relationship with Christ. Without Him, I would be nothing. He is my source of strength... my security is this crazy life... my inspiration... my best friend. My faith has grown so much throughout the last year, and I am so excited to see where it continues to take me in life.

2. My amazing husband, Andrew. He makes my life so much brighter and happier. He is so much fun to be with, and I love every minute we get to spend together. We are the best of friends, and our love can withstand anything. We have had our share of troubles, but we always come out better, stronger, and more deeply in love. We are not perfect, but we love unconditionally. I am so blessed to have a husband who takes the role of being the spiritual leader seriously... and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for our future! I love you, Andrew!

3. Our raising. Our parents instilled deep values into us throughout our lives. They raised both of us to be honest, hard-working, and loving individuals. We were raised to set goals and achieve them... to lend a helping hand whenever we can... and to love our Lord with all of our hearts. Thank you, parents, for all you've done!

4. Our families. We have an amazing support system through our grandparents, parents, siblings, and extended family. We know that their love for us is deep, and we also know that they would do anything for us. We don't know where this next year will take us distance-wise from our family, but we know that we will always be close at heart.


5. Fabulous friends. There are too many photos of the special friends in my life, so I just choose a few of girls that I have been the closest to throughout the years. Jen... my newest and dearest friend. I love your faith, your kindess and your strength. I am grateful for all you do! Kayla... our friendship will last forever. Although we rarely get a chance to talk, our hearts are always close. Krystal... you are beautiful inside and out. Jen and Heather... sorry for going old-school, but it was the only one I could find! I love our circle of craftiness, and I love our friendships! We've been through thick and thin, but we're still great friends! I miss you both!

6. My cat, Theodore. Silly as it may seem to some people, I am so thankful for this crazy critter. He keeps me company... makes me laugh... and I believe he truly cares about me. When I'm sick, he likes to cuddle... when I'm sad, he doesn't leave me alone... when I'm mad, he makes me laugh. He reads my emotions and acts in very specific ways... as if he's trying to take care of me. He's got a personality out of this world, and he's been such a wonderful addition to my life.

There are so many things that I am thankful for. I am thankful to wake up each day. I am thankful for the beauty that surrounds me everyday. I am thankful for the people God puts in my life... even those in passing. I am thankful for my church home. I am thankful for my ability to obtain an education. I am thankful for my current externship. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and love in my heart.

I am thankful for life.

I am thankful.

Most of all, I am blessed.


  1. Amen girl.. no other words.. just amen!

  2. And I miss you. We definately need to take a new picture!!! I'm thankful for our circle of craftiness and definately for the kitties!
