08 January 2011

Day Twenty: Things You Want Your Children to Know

Wow. This could be a really, really long blog. There are so many things that I want my children to know. I'll try to keep it short, but I don't want to leave anything out.

  • Love.
    • I want my children to know that their parents love them. I don't want them to ever doubt how much they are cared for- or how much they mean to us. I also want them to know that they have a strong family network behind them at all times... even when they make mistakes. Andrew and I are very blessed with amazing families, and I am so thankful that our children will have the same support system we do.
  • Kindness.
    • I want my children to know kindness and compassion. I want to teach them by example how to love each other and the world. In a world where there is so much negativity, I want them to be beacons of hope to others around them. I want them to feel kindness and compassion so they will be able to show kindness and compassion to others.
  • Strength.
    • I want my children to know strength. Most often, strength comes with trials- and I want them to know how to handle the difficult times. Do I want my children to suffer? No way! Will I want to take their pain away? Absolutely! But, I know that in my own life, learning from the trials has made me who I am today.
  • Understanding.
    • I want them to have a knowledge base of many different things. I want them to understand history, english, science, and math. I want them to be well-rounded. I want them to be educated. I also want them to be understanding of others. I don't want my children to be blind to the world around them.
  • Respect.
    • I want my children to respect their elders, peers, and society. While they may not always agree with the actions of others, I want them to respect them for who they are. I also want them to respect their parents and show that respect in their actions. Therefore, I want to be a respectable parent so my kids have no reason to be disrespectful. It's a tall order, but I will do my best to fulfill it.
  • Imagination.
    • I want my kids to have an imagination- and use it during play. I feel strongly about exposure to technology, and I do not plan on my kids seeing a TV show or movie until they are over two years of age. I want them to provide their own stimulation- and I do not want them to let various things (TV, video games, etc) think for them. I want them to know how to PLAY- inside and out. Too many sensory issues (in my personal opinion) stem from too much technology and constant stimulation- I do not want that for my children.
  •   Christ.
    • Most importantly, I want my children to know our Lord and Savior. I want them to grow up in an environment that exemplifies Christ's love. I want them to be raised in God's word, and I want them to practice what they know. I want them to know that with Christ's help, they can make it through anything. I also want them to know that they are trusted with the ultimate gift. I don't want them to take their faith lightly- and I want them to demonstrate Christ's love, compassion, and hope to people around them. I don't want them to use it as an excuse for bad behavior (such as hateful actions), but I want them to have a definitive line of right and wrong. I want them to feel the strength, hope, peace, and love that I feel through my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I think this sums up the major details. Like I said, I could go on and on about what I want my children to know, but these are the biggest ones in my book.

1 comment:

  1. This made me tear up, Abby. It's wonderful that you already have these aspirations for your children even before they are here. And trust me, once you welcome your first child into this world (whenever that may be) those aspirations, dreams and wishes will only grow stronger day by day. You will be a wonderful mother someday!
